
Je t'aime plus qu' hier, moins que demain

For my bf:

You are…
the cheese to my macaroni.
You are the horizon to my sky.
You are the bacon to my eggs.
You are the laces to my sneakers.
You are the smile to my face.
You are the gravy to my mashed potatoes.
You are the bubbles to my bath.
You are the milk to my cookie.
You are the ink to my pen.

You are the wave to my ocean.
You are the water to my stream.
You are the candle to my birthday.
You are the melody to my song.

You are the snow on Christmas morning.
You are the button to my jacket.
You are the zipper to my jeans.
You are the syrup to my pancake.
You are the paddles to my kayak.
You are the soft towel to my shower.
You are the embers to my fire.
You are the frosted glass to my ale.
You are the music to my radio.
You are the green in my spring.

You are the orange in my sunset.
You are the blue in my eyes.
You are the amen to my prayer.
You are the books to my library.
You are the fresh sheets to my bed.
You are the sand to my beach.
You are the castle to my sand.
You are the salt to my pretzel.

You are the salsa to my chip.
You are the medicine when sick.
You are the company when lonely.
You are the soy sauce to my sushi.
You are the petals to my flower.
You are the fireworks to the Fourth.
You are the leaves to my tree.
You are the honey to my hive.

You are the Goose to my Maverick.
You are the hot sauce to my chicken wing.
You are the field goal to my touchdown.
You are the celebration to my win.
You are the sparkle to my diamond.
You are the moon to my night sky.

You are the slow dance in the kitchen.
You are the bread to my butter.
You are the bubbles to my champagne.
You are the chai to my latte.
You are the bounce to my diving board.
You are the helium to my balloon.
You are the letters to my Scrabble board.

You are the umbrella to my rain.
You are the polarization to my shades.
You are the heart beat to my chest.
You are the Paul McCartney to my Beatles.
You are the Keith Richards to my Rolling Stones.
Without you…nothing would be as good as it was meant to be.
You are the key ingredient.
You are the missing piece.
You are my best friend.
You are my family.
You are it.

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